Kim Steve Leal | Carmen Steve Leal | Diane Steve Leal | Trisha Steve Leal |
Christine Steve Leal | Cleo Steve Leal | Flower Shopping Steve Leal | Garden Picnic Steve Leal |
Boutique Shopping II Steve Leal | Boutique Shopping I Steve Leal | Vintage Gold Fan N. Harbick | Vintage Gold Atomizer N. Harbick |
Glamour Compact N. Harbick | With Love Lipstick N. Harbick | Gold Purse Chic N. Harbick | Gold Pumps In Style N. Harbick |
Gold Dress Couture N. Harbick | French Perfume Motif II Gregory Gorham | French Perfume Motif I Gregory Gorham | Wine Casters Gwendolyn Babbitt |
From the Runway II Katie Guinn | From the Runway I Katie Guinn | French Fashion VIII Gwendolyn Babbitt | French Fashion VII Gwendolyn Babbitt |
French Fashion VI Gwendolyn Babbitt | French Fashion V Gwendolyn Babbitt | French Fashion IV Gwendolyn Babbitt | French Fashion III Gwendolyn Babbitt |
French Fashion II Gwendolyn Babbitt | French Fashion I Gwendolyn Babbitt | Dressed in Red IV Gwendolyn Babbitt | Dressed in Red III Gwendolyn Babbitt |
Dressed in Red II Gwendolyn Babbitt | Dressed in Red I Gwendolyn Babbitt | On the Vanity II Sophie Devereux | On the Vanity I Sophie Devereux |